A Meatless Pasta that Mushroom Lovers in Particular Will Like
Mushroom enthusiasts, in particular, will like the pasta featured here. It showcases shiitakes and less common varieties such as brown clambshell, chicken-of-the-woods, gamboni, and trumpet. The result: an earthy dish combining broad ribbons of pasta and rosemary-scented mushrooms. (Click here to see the recipe.)
The dish – featured in The Glorious Pasta of Italy, by Domenica Marchetti (Chronicle Books, 2011) – is called “pappardelle all boscaiola.” Alla boscaiola literally means “in the style of the woodsman,” reflecting the dish’s “lovely woodsy quality,” Marchetti writes.
It requires only a few ingredients. Garlic is sautéed is extra virgin olive oil until fragrant. The mushrooms and minced fresh rosemary are added and cooked until the mushrooms are golden brown, about 15 minutes. Tomato puree is added, along with chopped fresh parsley. (Click here to see the recipe.)
You can toss the sauce with pappardelle, the pasta resembling broad flat ribbons. Marchetti also recommends fat bucatini noodles.
You can find other pasta recipes in our March eNewsletter. (Click here to see the eNewsletter.)
Bon appétit,
Your friends at California Olive Ranch
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